
There is no law limiting the freedom of expression such as the laws on
excessive official secrecy or laws overlapping media responsibilities.

Law no. 98-012 of 19 January 1998 regulating the relations between the administration
and users of public services, imposes a limit on the categories of accessible information.
Administrative documents of non-normative character such as files, reports, studies,
statistical minutes, directives, circulars providing an interpretation of the positive law are
freely accessible. Documents whose consultation may affect the secrecy of government
deliberations, the secrecy of national defence or foreign policy, state security and public
security, the secrecy of private life, medical files or, in a general manner, information
protected by law, cannot be communicated. Included in the latter is information with the
following remarks: top secret defence, secret defence, confidential defence, confidential,
There is also law no. 00-46/AN-RM of 7 July 2000 regulating the press and press
offences and setting limits to this freedom in Mali.
The most important principles of the press law:
The editor-in-chief is the person responsible for what is published in a newspaper.
Should the author be known, he will be sued as an accomplice.
Press violations (name calling, defamation, etc.) become void after three months,
meaning that the offender can neither be sued nor condemned.
If law no. 00-46/AN-RM setting the limits of press freedom is considered as too
repressive by Malian journalists. Some journalists go to prison due to this law.
Individual marks:





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