
There is no law to control entry into the profession of journalism and its

In order to clarify the formulation of an indicator, the panellists agreed to use the word
“control” in the sense of restriction.
According to article 4 of law no. 00-46/AN-RM, the journalist is the person holding a
degree in journalism or a degree in tertiary studies with one year of professional
experience, and has as a main activity contributed to the collection, processing and
circulation of information and news within the framework of a public or private media
organ, written or audio-visual.” According to the evolution of the Malian context, from
1992 to 2000 this law aimed at better organizing the profession. In its spirit, the law does
not intend to restrict practising the profession but rather to make it more professional.
Decree no. 892-191/P-RM instituting the commission of the press card, completes the
law regarding the attribution and drawing of identification cards for journalists.
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The protection of confidential sources of information is guaranteed by law.

No law protects the sources. However, there is jurisprudence to the matter: journalists are
not bound to secrecy. They are not obliged to reveal their sources.
According to the ethic code of professionalism in Mali, journalists keep their professional
secrecy and don’t reveal the source of information received confidentially. Even though
the law obliges the director of publication to demand that authors who submit unsigned
articles or use a pseudonym must furnish their true identity in writing before their stories
can be inserted (article 15).
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Select target paragraph3