Meanwhile, in Quelimane, the provincial
capital of Zambezia, reporter Luís Simindila,
from Radio Zambezia FM, was attacked in the
middle of a live broadcast by a police officer, who
then snatched his microphone and cellphone.

Many of the safety challenges faced by
journalists during 2023 were related to the
electoral process with several of them attacked
on the day of voting.

The policeman was trying to prevent him from
interviewing a Renamo delegate, who had gone
to a police station to report an incident where
he had found 11 ballot papers out of the ballot

In Beira, the provincial capital of Sofala, on
11 October, Academic Television reporter,
Leonardo Limane, was assaulted by agents of
the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR), after filming
a group of citizens who refused to go home,
allegedly because they wanted to control the
vote counting process at Macombe Primary
School, in Munhava.

In a separate incident in Quelimane, a reporter
from Nova Rádio Paz was prevented from
covering the vote count by an officer at one
of the polling stations at the Coalane Primary

On the same day, in the capital Maputo, a team
from TV Sucesso was banned from covering
the vote count at EPC Polana Caniço B.

Gabriel Júnior, the chairman of TV Sucesso’s
board of directors — a station noted for revealing
discrepancies in the 2023 municipal elections spoke of receiving death threats.

When the members of the polling station noticed
the arrival of reporter Coutinho Macanandze
in the room, they closed the door, with the
reporter inside, preventing his cameraperson,
Valdo Massingue, from entering the room.

On his November 12, 2023, broadcast of
“Mozambique in Concert”, Júnior stated, “I think
it’s time to ask you to pray for me because for
the last two weeks I’ve been receiving death
threats. I thought it was temporary, but with
each passing day, the pressure of threats begins
to be greater.”

In fact, shortly before closing the door on the
cameraperson, a polling station member tried
to take the reporter’s camera. Inside the room,
reporter Macanandze was shoved around and

He described the distress of living under

In what can only be described as an intimidatory tactic, an armoured police car parked outside Televisão Sucesso



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