right to information (art. 9).

family and work colleagues, two of his mobile
phones and a laptop went missing.

The defence and security forces, police
officers, political actors and government officials
continue to be the main threats to the exercise
of journalism in Mozambique.

Chamusse would have been forced to open the
office of the newspaper near his home for these
items to be taken.
The co-owner and editor of electronic
newspaper Ponto por Ponto and a resident
commentator on TV Successo has been
described as “a fervent defender of press and
expression freedoms”. He was also well known
for being a stern critic of the current government.

on journalists
In 2023, one of the most tragic

in Mozambique was the barbaric murder of
journalist João Chamusse, on December 14.

In relation to this tragic assassination MISAMozambique organised a demonstration on
December 18, which culminated in the submission
of a petition to the Attorney General’s Office
against impunity for crimes against journalists,
including Chamusse’s murder.

He was discovered in his garden with a wound
on his head and signs of torture marking his
body. Although it is not possible to tell if his
murder was related to his work — what is
suspicious is that, according to Chamusse’s

A demonstration organised in December 2023 by MISA Mozambique to demand the end to impunity for crimes against journalists
in the country. The demonstration ended with MISA submitting a petition to the Attorney General’s Office, asking for serious actions
for crimes against journalists. The demonstration took place just four days after the murder of another Mozambican journalist, João


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