State of the media in Southern Africa - 2003

Press Statement
July 25, 2003
Statement on defamation in Botswana


he Botswana chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA-Botswana) would
like to express its concern over the staggering amounts of money being demanded by
parties that feel they have been defamed by publications. There can be no sustainable democracy without a strong media industry. The media’s role as a watchdog needs to be protected
within our democratic dispensation.
MISA-Botswana is particularly alarmed by the recent amount of Pula 10 million in damages
that the Botswana Gazette has been asked to pay for publishing a story headlined “Protect
citizen contractors against Chinese” that appeared in its July 2, 2003 edition. It is in this vein
that MISA Botswana is calling upon the public to make use of the avenue of the Press Council
of Botswana through the Complaints Committee that will hear complaints, adjudicate and
recommend corrective measures appropriately.
The Complaints Committee will be backed by the Appeals Committee that is empowered to
hear appeals and decisions of the Complaints Committee that are consistent with relevant laws
and legal precedents and norms. This will help promote an atmosphere of mutual trust and
respect between the press and the public.
MISA Botswana, therefore, strongly calls upon all parties aggrieved in reportage within our
media to use the above stated Press Council conflict resolution mechanism.
For more information, contact MISA-Botswana office at Private Bag BO 86 Gaborone. Plot
398 Ext. 4 Kgasa Close Tel: 3971972 Fax 3161196 Email

Press Statement
August 6, 2003
TOPIC: Interactive dialogue


he Lesotho Chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA-Lesotho) wishes to
commend the Government of Lesotho for its current initiative of empowering the nation
through the interactive dialogue aired on “Lesotho TV” and “Radio Lesotho” involving government ministers and other officials on the one hand, and members of the public on the other.
This initiative which enables television and radio audiences to participate telephonically in
live panel debates is an excellent vehicle for ensuring that the people have access to information and that their right to freedom of expression is guaranteed.
Above all, it serves to reinforce the right of every citizen living in a democracy to hold to
account those to whom the Nation has delegated the responsibility to manage its affairs. It is
also an attestation of the government’s commitment to transparency and good governance.
So This Is Democracy? 2003


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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