State of the media in Southern Africa - 2003

Selected press statements issued by MISA
Secretariat and chapters during 2003
Letter of Appeal
January 28, 2003
TOPIC: Deterioration of the media freedom situation in Ethiopia
His Excellency Ato Meles Zenawi
Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
C/o Permanent Representative to UN
Dear Prime Minister,


he Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) is greatly perturbed by the unhealthy media
environment in Ethiopia. We are concerned by the government’s attempt to pass media
legislation without consulting relevant stakeholders, including the independent media.
MISA believes in the protection of freedom of expression including media freedom. We regard
unbridled media as vital for the protection and safeguarding of the people’s right to free expression. MISA has, since its establishment in 1992, campaigned against harassment, intimidation and imprisonment of journalists and we condemn such actions wherever they occur.
The Ethiopian Free Journalists’ Association (EFJA) is an important player in promoting media
freedom in Ethiopia, a key stakeholder in media issues and has played a vanguard role in
creating an environment in which journalists may exercise their right to freedom of expression. We further support the stance of EFJA that the matters of a journalists’ professional code
of ethics and a press council should be addressed by those parties that are directly concerned,
and not by the government.
MISA therefore condemns the marginalisation of local media organisations, including EFJA,
in matters that affect the regulation of the media in Ethiopia and appeal to the government of
Ethiopia to consult widely in this vital process of media law reform.
Luckson Chipare, MISA Regional Director
cc The Right Honourable Ato Bereket Simon
Minster of Information of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

So This Is Democracy? 2003


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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