
5.2.4 Imposition of the obligation to notify that surveillance has taken place
The Interception of Communications Act and the Postal and Telecommunications Act should expressly oblige
authorities to adequately and properly notify affected persons that they have been subject to the interception
of communications.

5.2.5. Abolition of bulk surveillance
The bulk surveillance currently provided for in the Interception of Communications Act should be discarded
and supplanted with targeted surveillance.

5.2.6. Adoption of a proper public oversight mechanism
The Cyber Security and Monitoring of Interceptions of Communications Centre provided
for in the Interception of Communications Act as amended is not fit for purposes, as it is not
independent in terms of best international standards. Accordingly, it should be replaced with
an independent and effective public oversight mechanism.

Various yawning gaps impair the effectiveness of data protection, privacy, and surveillance legislation in its
present state. Accordingly, this Policy Brief proposes that the above-mentioned recommendations be adopted
to align the relevant legislation with international best practices so that it can pass constitutional muster.

Misa Zimbabwe Policy Brief


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