Individual scores:
1 Country does not meet indicator
2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator

Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.8 (2012 = 2.6, 2010 = 1.8, 2008 = 2.9,
2006 = 2.3)

4.3 Salary levels and general working conditions, including safety, for journalists and other media practitioners are adequate.
In Madagascar, the minimum wage (SME) is 144.003 Ariary (47,58 USD) per
month; referencing footer: Decree No. 2016/232 of 7 April 2016 is fixing the
minimum wage for employment and seniority by occupational category (http:// Some journalists with over 15 years’
experience, barely earn 200.000 Aviary (USD 63,00), which is little considering
their responsibilities. As journalists have difficulty earning a living from their
profession, some of them accumulate other activities, such as freelancing for the
international media, which is better paid. Others turn to “envelopes” in exchange
for their articles/coverage. At radio stations, salaries are even lower, amounting to
around 100.000 Aviary (USD 31,54). However, this situation unfortunately reflects
the economic situation in Madagascar; Civil servants and journalists find
themselves in the same boat as far as salaries and social security are concerned.
Some journalists have not received their salary for a number of months. Within
this context, the envelope system has become a necessity to some journalists in
order to survive.

Contractual journalists do not have any social security. It has happened that
journalists had to contribute out of their own pockets for an injured colleague
at work. As far as government officials are concerned, the law provides for
Social Security membership, with the employee contributing 1% of their
salary and the employer 13%. Unfortunately, some media houses do not fulfil
their contributions, which penalises the employees who do not benefit from
medical insurance, to which they are entitled. In other press organisations,
such as the Express de Madagascar, employees can choose between the
services of l’Organisation Sanitaire Tananarivienne Interentreprises (OSTIE)
or the insurance offered through Ny Havana.



Select target paragraph3