4.2 The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by independent/nonstatutory bodies that deal with complaints from
the public.
Madagascar adheres to the African Principles of Freedom of Expression
(APFE) . The Order of Journalists of Madagascar, which is supposed to
handle complaints on its behalf, has proven its inefficiency right up to
present. For example, it has never convened the disciplinary council.
Numerous institutions have availed themselves to become press observers,
such as the local organisation Ilontsera or other international organisations.
Local observers seem to be preferred over external ones because they seem
to ensure a certain level of contextualisation. Civil society shares this view,
saying that they are “fed-up�� with international dictates.
For the majority, a system of self-regulation would be ideal, as encouraged by
the APFE. “Judges and peers” seems to afford more advantages as opposed
to being judged by external elements that do not know much about journalism
in Madagascar. The results of the study conducted by the media-monitoring
unit of INCIPALS, corroborates this idea.
Others admit to the fact that certain members of the profession have difficulty
changing their ways. One participant confided, “I deplore the fact that habits
are ingrained.” This transformation as far as the industry professionals are
concerned remains a lengthy process that will require education.

13 1.A public complaints system for print or broadcasting should be available in accordance with the following principles:

• complaints shall be determined in accordance with established rules and codes of conduct agreed between
all stakeholders; and
• the complaints system shall be widely accessible.
2. Any regulatory body established to hear complaints about media content, including media councils, shall be
protected against political, economic or any other undue interference. Its powers shall be administrative in
nature and it shall not seek to usurp the role of the courts.
3. Effective self-regulation is the best system for promoting high standards in the media.



Select target paragraph3