
The media practice high levels of professional

The media follow voluntary codes of professional standards
which are enforced by self- regulatory bodies.

From 1995 to 1999, there was a Media Council in place which developed a Malawi Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. This code
served as a template for in-house codes which were worked out
jointly by the management and staff of those houses, e.g. The Nation and Capital FM.
In 1999, funding for the Media Council dried up and several attempts
to revive it have failed so far. Presently, an “Interim Task Force” of
NAMISA and the National Editors Forum (NEFORM) is trying to set the
Council up again and is expected to succeed shortly.
Individual scores:

4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 2

Average score:


The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of
accuracy and fairness.
There is awareness of the need for accuracy and fairness among the
media fraternity. This is evident when journalists regularly make a
point of being seen to seek the other side of the story, reflected in
the use of phrases like ‘attempts to get comment from XY proved
futile’ or ‘his/her mobile went unanswered’ even when they may
not have tried very hard to make such contact.
African Media Barometer - Malawi 2006


Select target paragraph3