
Government promotes a political and economic
environment which allows a diverse media landscape.

There is no conscious effort on the side of government to promote
media diversity. The de facto diverse media landscape has evolved
by default.
In the early nineties government removed import duties on newsprint and computers which are seen as communication tools, but
not on broadcasting equipment. Publishers of print media that are
registered with the Postmaster can apply for concessionary tariffs
for distribution as printed matter. However, most of them prefer to
do their own deliveries to selling points or to subscribers who pay
directly to the publisher.
Individual scores:

3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3, 4

Average score:



Private media outlets operate as efficient and professional

The private media’s efficiency and professionalism in business terms
is hard to fathom, except to say that the prudent and the ruthless
ones seem to be surviving the competition and staying in the market.
At face value private media are indeed run as professional businesses. They are expected to register their businesses with the office
of the Registrar General which demands a copy of audited accounts

African Media Barometer - Malawi 2006

Select target paragraph3