
Swazi Law and Custom, which can conflict with the constitutional protection of freedom of expression, but is unwritten
and cannot be tested against the Constitution.

Activities needed over the next few years:

A skills audit should be conducted in all media houses to assess
the existing capacity of media practitioners at all levels.


Skills development opportunities for working journalists should
be increased, both in-house training as well as enrolment in
external part-time or full-time courses.


On-the-job training and mentorship programmes need to be
established in all media houses to ensure entry-level reporters
are given sufficient direction and guidance.


Civic education on freedom of expression, access to
information and media freedom needs to be conducted by the
media and civil society organisations.


The law reform process needs to be launched to ensure all
media unfriendly laws are repealed or amended to conform
with the Constitution. The establishment of a law reform
commission should be fast-tracked.


A national conference on law reform should be conducted to
produce an action plan and way forward on the law reform


The consultation process on the six draft bills needs to
continue with a new consultant and should include a broader
base of stakeholders.

African Media Barometer - Swaziland 2007


Select target paragraph3