2.12 Government does not use its power over the
placement of advertisements as a means to
interfere with editorial content
According to panellists, the government uses its power over the placement
of advertising to interfere with editorial content. The Media Services Act puts
the District of Information Services (DIS) in charge of government advertising.
Panellists said this creates a conflict of interest, as the DIS is also responsible
for coordinating government information, holding press conferences on behalf
of the government and suspending newspapers. Panellists asserted that it is
without a doubt that government advertising goes primarily to state-owned
news media and hardly to those critical of the government – such as newspapers
with opposition leanings. Seeing the conduct of the government, panellists said
private advertisers have also grown reluctant to place advertisements in critical
news outlets.

Individual scores23:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:






2006: 2.4; 2008: 2; 2010: 2.1; 2012: 2.2; 2015: 1.6

2.13 The size of the advertising market can support a
diversity of media outlets
News media organisations complain that they do not get enough advertising
to sustain their operations. Panellists observed that indeed, the advertising
market had shrunk over the years to only a handful of advertisers; notably the
telecommunications, brewery and banking companies. From discussions, it
emerged that two main factors have shaped the advertising market in Tanzania.
Firstly, the government controls a significant share of advertisement spending
which is channelled selectively to state-owned and pro-government private
press. Secondly, several leading advertisers of the past now run their news
media outlets and use that status as media owners to advertise only with their
own outlets. This practice has not only constricted the market, but also led to
inequalities in the distribution of advertising revenue throughout the industry.
One panellist said news media also lacked the capacity to attract advertising,
stating that:



Select target paragraph3