In preparing this report, desktop research methodology was used. Reviews were done of news
articles in the Daily Nation, The Post, Zambia Daily Mail and the Times of Zambia for the
months under review. This involved a thorough review of each newspaper and picking out news
and events related to the media.
Radio stations monitored include Hot FM, QFM, ZBNC Radio 4 and Radio Phoenix. Television
news bulletins were also monitored on ZNBC TV1 and Muvi TV during the period under review.
The websites of the radio and television stations were also monitored.
On-line media reviewed include Zambian Watchdog, Zambia Reports, and Mwebantu New
The limitations of this study were that this study focused and was limited to stories that were
reported on in the media. Potential stories that may have been covered by media outside of
Lusaka could not be independently monitored/verified and some were, therefore, not included in
the report.


Select target paragraph3