3.2.1 Access to Information (ATI) Bill
Dialogue with government on the ATI bill needs to continue and so does public awareness of
the bill. Government needs to reconsider its current position and enact the bill which they
promised the people of Zambia.
There is need for a clear position from the government on the ATI bill as well as transparency in
the handling of the whole process. It is clear and should be understood that the ATI bill is not for
Journalists but for the wider citizenry that stand to benefit as they will be able to participate in
the governance process more effectively.

3.2.2 Digital Migration
Even as the country has already migrated to the digital platform in the first phase of digital
migration, there is still a lot of work to be done.
There is need for continued public awareness on what digital migration is and on what the public
is expected to do. Additionally, the Set-top boxes must be made as widely available as possible
at the most affordable prices to avoid disadvantaging some of the more vulnerable viewers.
Government needs to stick to the migration policy and ensure that decisions they make are in
line with the policy. It is therefore fitting that the issue of an independent carrier is taken into
serious consideration in order to build consensus. This will lessen the confusion that may arise
when after the full switch to digital migration in December 2015. Further, it will be fitting for
government to consider waiving duty on broadcasting equipment such as transmitters which are
subjected to VAT at 16% and excise duty. As earlier mentioned, the digital migration process
involves the replacement of old, analogue transmitters with digital transmitters and other studio
equipment. With the current exorbitant taxes levied on broadcasting equipment, it will be difficult
for some stations to effectively migrate and aspire to provide a high quality broadcast service.
Similarly, it is pertinent that advance preparations are made for the migration of radio
transmission to the use of spectrums. These preparations should take into account lessons that
will be learnt from the digital migration process for television.


Select target paragraph3