He also said that proper laws must be put in place that would govern the operation of the media
in Zambia. “Those in power must be able to enact laws that will ensure that first and foremost
the journalist is protected as they write their stories and do their work. The struggle must
continue. Every year, we need to ignite this struggle; that is the idea of the press freedom day.8

1 Marchers en route to the Freedom Statue during the Commemoration of the 2015 WPFD

2.3.3 Elections Media Monitoring, MISA Media Awards
MISA Zambia in partnership with Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) monitored and analysed the
coverage of the 2015 presidential by-elections. The research aimed to improve media coverage
of elections in terms of salience, visibility, and quality.
The results presented in February were based on 500 articles which were analysed between
January 5 and January 20 across 14 online, print, and broadcast media in the country. The 14
media whose content was analysed are 5 FM, Daily Nation, Hot FM, Lusaka Times, Muvi TV, Q
FM, Radio 1 Christian Voice, Radio Phoenix, The Post, Times of Zambia, ZNBC TV, Zambia
Daily Mail, Zambia Reports and Zambian Watchdog.
The report presented answers to the following key issues: political party coverage; sources
coverage; gender; issues coverage; and, fairness.
Below are some of the key findings presented;
1. The top political parties covered were PF 35%, UPND 30%, MMD 17%, FDD 5% and
2. The issues that were covered include; party campaigning 25%, violence and intimidation
16%, party politics 12%, election logistics 8%, manifesto analyses 4%, election results
3%, justice system 3%, party coalitions 3%, development 3%, media 2%. This shows us
the issues that the media put on the election agenda.

Post Newspaper 02/05/15

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