There should be extra steps put in place to ensure the appointments made are scrutinized by an
independent body such as Parliament or a committee specifically appointed to independently
oversee the process of selecting appointees. Another remedy worth consideration is to offer
constitutional protection for the cardinal appointees to the public media houses in question. This
way, there will be a guarantee of operational and editorial independence.

2.3 Social and Economic Environment
2.3.1 Digital Migration
Zambia successfully implemented the process for the switch from analogue to digital terrestrial
broadcasting on June 17, 2015 with dual casting through both transmission types. This was in
the first phase of digital migration, in line with the June 17 deadline set by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU).
In a Ministerial statement to Parliament on June 16, 2015, Minister of Information and
Broadcasting Services, Chishimba Kambwili said that Zambia National Broadcasting Services
(ZNBC) would be the official carrier of the signal for other television stations.
He explained that the policy provided for establishment of a public signal distributor to carry the
content for all broadcasters, public and private. However, considering the time required to
establish a separate entity, Government decided to designate ZNBC as an interim measure, a
public signal distributor and ZICTA had already issued a network licence to ZNBC after the
Corporation paid K928, 000 as per license requirement.
Mr. Kambwili further explained that when the new digital broadcasting signal starts, at least four
(4) channels; ZNBC’s TV1 and TV2, Prime Television and Revelation Television would be
accessed as a bouquet. More channels would be included in due course as other broadcasters
prepare to take their content to ZNBC. This is one of the benefits of migration which has already
started bearing fruit.
The minister also noted that the capacity of the Phase 1 network was twenty (20) channels and
there was no cause to worry that some private broadcasters would be left out. In addition, all
private broadcasting would be carried on the public network for free for a period of six months
as a demonstration of Government’s support to promote private businesses and enhance
information flow. However, after the lapse of the six months, broadcasters will be required to
pay to the public signal distributor carrier fees. Modalities and tariffs are still being worked out
and the public would be informed once this is concluded he added.
This is the first phase of digital migration, along the line of rail from Livingstone in the Southern
Province to Chililabombwe on the Copper Belt, which was completed at a cost of US$9.554,
124.00 and was undertaken by Star Technologies of China.


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