According to Zamir (2008)7, as quoted by ‘Freedom of Access to Information is not only a
fundamental right of an individual but also a means to power because once an individual has
the right information they will be in a position to respond and make appropriate informed
decisions concerning how they are governed. They will also be able to meaningfully participate
in decision-making processes of their country. Ultimately, freedom of Access to Information
promotes good governance.

2.2. Political Environment
2.2.2 New Staff
Information and Broadcasting Minister, Chishimba Kambwili dissolved the Zambia Daily Mail
and Times of Zambia boards in April 2015. According to a source quoted in the Post Newspaper
of April 23, 2015, the Minister wrote to the President informing him of his decision to fire the
boards and managing directors of the two companies because he felt they were not doing
enough to protect the president from attacks.
The source further goes on to say that the Minister wanted a board and managing directors that
would perform in line with the PF vision. To date, no new boards have been announced for both
newspapers. Mr. Bestone Ng’onga was appointed as the new Managing Director for Times of
Zambia, taking over from Mr. Francis Lwanga. Mr. Lwanga had served for less than three
months before being fired.
Autonomy and independence of public media boards and management is an issue that has
been advocated for by media, stakeholders and the public for a long time now. Over the years,
there has been direct interference from politicians who appoint people to these positions. There
have been cases where stories are censored, edited and sometimes cancelled because the
party in power feels it criticizes them.
This practice of the Minister appointing boards and managing directors of their choice needs to
come to an end. It is clear that the people appointed have their allegiance to one who appointed
them and can therefore not be professional, fair or balanced in the way stories are presented in
their medium.
It is very clear from the Minister’s words and actions that the people to be appointed will bear
allegiance to him and the PF and he will be able to manipulate them to carry out his wishes. As
the old saying goes, “he who pays the piper, calls the tune.”


As quoted in a paper on ‘Promoting Good Governance through Freedom of Access to Information and Censorship
of Information’ by Eness Miyanda Chitumbo and Fabian Kakana.

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