How often do you believe female journalists are targeted online through the following behaviours? 35 31 30 30 27 27 20 20 17 17 15 15 12 10 12 12 12 10 9 9 10 9 5 5 1 0 23 22 21 20 19 18 24 23 22 21 29 26 25 25 31 30 Someone sharing or threatening to share private information about an individual online 1 2 4 1 1 1 10 3 1 1 Someone Someone Someone Someone Someone using Someone, Someone sharing or threatening sending or stealing an an individual’s using sexist or spreading false threatening to physical posting individual’s online hateful information share offensive violence online messages to password and/ accounts, or language about an or sexually against an undermine an or accessing creating an toward an individual explicit individual or individual’s their online account using individual and/or images/videos their relatives self-esteem or accounts, their identity online. defaming them of an individual online reputation Internet online devices, etc. Not at all often Not very often Somewhat often Very often 1 Someone creating a large scale negative campaign about an individual online Don't know/Do not care to respond The survey survey contained contained sixsix Undermining their self-esteem The significant questions relating to harmful behaviours, the significant questions relating There is a heightened or harming their reputation platforms which they occur and the impact women on to harmfulon behaviours, the awareness of theonfact that journalists was seen asengaging a rather common social media. There is occur a heightened of theare fact and thatharmful womenonline journalists are platforms on which they women awareness journalists behaviour and the impact on by women specifically targeted by harmful that women journalists or face specifically targeted harmful online behaviours. Undermining their self-esteem journalists engaging on social online behaviours. rather often. harming their reputation was seen as a rather common and harmful online behaviour media. that women journalists face rather often. 21