No. 34



(e) be signed by the entity affected or, in the case of an organization, by the
chief executive officer thereof.

18. The entity or body of entities affected shall not be entitled to insist on the
transmission of a counter-version if the counter-version referred to in
paragraph 15 is presented to the content licensee more than 30 days after the
date of broadcast of the false assertion of fact.
19. The content licensee shall__

(a) at the first opportunity, but not later than ten days from receiving a
counter-version referred to in paragraph 15, broadcast the counterversion within the same programme or programme section as the one in
which the false assertion was made and at the same time of day or, if
that is not possible, at a time equal in value to that of the programme
objected to;
(b) broadcast the counter-version without any omissions and interruptions;
(c) broadcast the counter-version free of charge.

20. A content service licensee shall, immediately upon receipt of the
counter-version referred to in paragraph 15, inform the Authority of that
fact, and shall keep and store the programme objected to and the
counter-version until the content licensee receives a notice to the contrary
from the Authority.
21. The freedom of all content licensees is indivisible from and subject to the
same restraints as those relevant to individuals, and is founded on the
individual's right to be informed and to freely receive and disseminate
22. Content licensees shall__
(a) not broadcast any material that is indecent or obscene or offensive to
public morals, including abusive or insulting language, or offensive to
religious beliefs of any section of the population, or likely to prejudice
the safety of the Republic or public order and tranquillity;
(b) exercise due care and sensitivity in the presentation of material that
depicts or relates to acts of brutality, violence, atrocities, drug abuse, or
obscenity; and
(c) exercise due care and responsibility in the presentation of programmes
where a large proportion of the audience is likely to be children.

23. Content licensees shall report news truthfully, accurately and objectively.

24. News shall be presented in an appropriate context and in a balanced manner,
without intentional or negligent departure from the facts.

25. where a report is founded on opinion, supposition, rumour or allegation, it
shall be presented in such a manner as to indicate clearly that that is the case.

Select target paragraph3