90 Communications No. 34 (a) to annually expend a specified sum of money, subject to reasonable annual escalation or, alternatively, a specified minimum percentage of its gross revenues, on programmes that have local television content; (b) to allocate a specified minimum percentage of its local broadcasting timeto television programmes that have local television content; (c) in the case where the content licensee has a regional or local licence area, to allocate a specified minimum percentage of broadcasting time to local television programmes that have been produced in the relevant region orlocality; and (d) to allocate a specified minimum portion of the percentage referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c), whichever is applicable to a prescribed diversity of television programmes that are independent television productions. 6. The Authority may, in relation to a sound broadcasting service, prescribe conditions in terms of which the content licensee is required to broadcast a specified minimum percentage of musical works that qualify as local music. 7. The Authority shall issue rules for advertising on broadcasting services. 8. without derogating from the powers granted to the Authority to issue rules pertaining to advertising and sponsorships, such rules may include provisions__ (a) prohibiting, restricting or regulating advertisements of specified goods, products, services or activities, or prohibiting, restricting or regulating specified forms and methods of advertising or sponsorship; (b) prohibiting, restricting or otherwise regulating political advertising; and (c) restricting or otherwise regulating the extent, relative to other content, ofcoverage of advertising and sponsorships that a content service licenseemay give in the provision of its service, including, but not limited to__ (i) the maximum amount of time to be allocated to advertisements in any hour or other period; (ii) the minimum interval that shall elapse between any two periods allocated to advertising; (iii) the number of such periods to be allowed in any hour or day; (iv) the prominence that may be given to advertisements or sponsor ships; and (v) the exclusion of advertisements or sponsorships from a specified part of a broadcasting services licensees. 9. The Authority shall issue rules for political advertising on broadcasting services. 10. (1) Rules issued by the Authority under paragraph 9 shall apply to political advertisement, including any advertisement that__