No. 34


detain, destroy or in any manner dispose of, the postal article found
to have been posted in contravention of this Act.

(3) The forfeiture, detention, destruction or disposal of the postal
article or its contents shall not relieve the sender from liability for
any offence committed under this Act or any other written law.
137.__(1) A postal services licensee shall be liable to pay
compensation for the destruction, damage, loss, misplacement,
non-delivery, or failure to guarantee the confidentiality of
correspondence or the integrity of postal articles.
(2) A postal services licensee shall submit to the Authority its
compensation policy in respect of the destruction, damage, loss,
misplacement or non-delivery of postal articles three months after
being issued with a postal services licence.


Liability for
etc., postal

(3) A postal services licensee shall not be liable to pay compensation where__
(a) the sending of the postal article is prohibited under this Act;
(b) the postal article is insured for a value equal to or in excess
of its value; or
(c) the addressee of the postal article has signed for and
retained the postal article without objection.
(4) A postal customer shall apply to a postal services licensee for
compensation where his postal article has been destroyed, damaged,
lost, misplaced, undelivered or delivered with delay.

(5) where a postal services licensee fails to comply with a request
or claim for compensation from a postal customer, the postal
customer may complain to the Authority.

138.__(1) There is hereby established a corporation to be known
as the Malawi Posts Corporation, which shall be a public postal
services licensee.
(2) The Malawi Posts Corporation shall__
(a) be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a
common seal;
(b) be capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name;
(c) be capable of acquiring and disposing of any moveable or
immovable property; and
(d) subject to this Act, have the power to do or perform all such
acts or things as bodies corporate may by law do or perform.

of the Malawi

Select target paragraph3