
No. 34

(c) opening of a postal article for purposes of ascertaining
details pertaining to the sender or addressee that are necessary
inorder to return or deliver the postal article; or
(d) opening of a postal article that is reasonably suspected to
contain material or substances whose dispatch, use, importation,
exportation or distribution is prohibited or regulated by law.

(4) An employee of the Malawi Posts Corporation may open any
mail, if authorized to do so by express warrant of the Postmaster

(5) The Postmaster general may grant a warrant to open any mail
in any individual circumstances if he has reason to believe that an
offence may have been committed under this Act or any other
written law.

stamps and
postal charges


from postal

(6) A person who fails to comply with this section commits an
offence and shall, upon conviction, be liable to a fine of k500,000
and imprisonment for twelve months.
128.__(1) A public postal licensee shall have exclusive rights to
issue postage stamps, but may enter into an arrangement with any
entity to sell the postage stamps.

(2) A public postal licensee may, subject to such rules as the
Authority may prescribe, issue postage stamps of such kinds and
denoting such values as the licensee may deem necessary for the
purposes of this Part.

(3) Any postage stamp issued under this section shall be used for
the payment of any postage or other sum chargeable under this Act
in respect of any postal service, except where the Authority
determines that the payment may be made in some other manner.

129. Philatelic materials produced by a public postal licensee
(a) belong to the government and shall be kept in such custody
as the Authority may direct; and
(b) include__
(i) postage stamps;
(ii) artwork, proofs, progressive sheets, printed sheets and
printed plates of postage stamps; and
(iii) date-stamps, slogan dyes, and other artefacts used in
connection with the production of postage stamps.
130.__(1) The Authority may make rules governing the
exemption of certain classes of entity from postal charges on postal
articles, from commissions, fees or other charges payable for

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