No. 34


“Post Office” “letter box” or “postage stamps” for a period to be
determined by the Authority; and
(c) any other terms and conditions considered appropriate by
the Authority.

(2) The Authority may make rules governing the determination of
the scope of exclusive rights to be enjoyed by the public postal
126.__(1) Subject to the Financial Services Act, the Authority
may authorize a postal services licensee to provide such financial
services as the Authority may approve.

(2) The financial services referred to in subsection (1) shall
(a) the issuance of__

(i) money orders, including postal orders;
(ii) postal checks; and
(iii) postal travellers' checks;
(b) the collection and payment of bills;
(c) the provision of savings services; and
(d) such other financial services as approved by the Authority.
127.__(1) A postal services licensee shall protect the confidentiality of correspondence and the integrity of postal articles.

(2) A postal services licensee, its employees or agents, shall
protect a postal article and ensure that__
(a) the postal article is not opened;
(b) the contents of the postal article are not disclosed;
(c) the postal article is not delivered to an entity other than the
addressee, without the consent of the addressee; and
(d) the postal article is not opened by or disclosed to, an
entityother than the addressee, without the consent of the

(3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), the following acts
shall not constitute a violation of the confidentiality of correspondence or the integrity of a postal article__
(a) opening of correspondence by an individual residing at the
same address as the addressee;

(b) submission of correspondence for verification and
inspec-tion by any authority authorized by law to verify or
inspect suchcorrespondence;


Cap. 44:05

and integrity
of postal

Select target paragraph3