Protection of


No. 34

(2) The following essential services shall be provided free of
(a) emergency service;
(b) customer care; and
(c) such other services as may be determined by the Authority
by notice published in the Gazette.
54.__(1) Subject to any written law or an order issued by the high
Court on an inter partes hearing, a communications service
licensee shall not disclose subscriber information which is in its

(2) A licensee who contravenes subsection (1) commits an
offence and shall, upon conviction, be liable to a fine of k10,

Promotion of
fair competition

Cap. 48:09


55.__(1) The Authority shall, in the performance of its functions
under this Act, promote, develop and enforce fair competition and
equality of treatment among operators in any business or service
relating to the communications service sector.

(2) In the exercise of its powers under this Part, the Authority
shall co-ordinate with the Competition and Fair Trading
Commission established under the Competition and Fair Trading

56. The Authority
Regulation of
interconnection, interconnection, access,
access, etc
analyses and
market players

shall regulate the implementation of
co-location and infrastructure sharing,
based on the catalogues, interconnection agreements and framed
tariffs enforced by licensees.
57.__(1) The Authority shall__
(a) conduct annual market analyses; and
(b) after conducting the market analyses, publish in the
Gazette, for the following year but not later than 31st december
of each year, a list of__
(i) all retail and wholesale communications services markets
that, in the Authority's opinion, require ex-ante regulatory
control; and

(ii) licensees deemed as holding a dominant position for
each identified communications service market.

(2) The Authority shall, in consultation with the Competition and

Select target paragraph3