No. 34


49. The Authority may, from time to time, sub-classify communication services under this Act, and such sub-classification shall be
published in the Gazette.
50.__(1) An applicant for a class licence shall, prior to undertaking an activity applied for, complete the appropriate registration
form for the class licence and file it with the Authority.

(2) The Authority shall register an applicant under the appropriate class licence, within sixty days of receiving the application.

(3) The Authority shall determine the format of class licence
registration forms.

51. The Authority may at any time establish a new licence
category or, with reasonable notice, abolish an existing licence

52.__(1) A licensee shall pay the Authority such fees as may be
prescribed by the Authority in accordance with this Act, and such
fees shall include__

under a class

of new
Licence fees

(a) an initial licence fee payable before the licence is issued;
(b) an annual licence fee;
(c) licence renewal fees;

(d) where applicable, a fee in respect of any scarce resource;

(e) any other fees or levies, including, but not limited to, the
contribution to the Universal Service Fund.

(2) The Authority may, from time to time, review the licence fees.
53.__(1) The Authority may, by notice published in the Gazette,
require any licensee to provide the following essential services(a) emergency services, with priority routing, enabling any
member of the public to make contact with, in particular, the
police, the fire brigade and the ambulance service;

(b) directory services, enabling any subscriber to obtain,
through automated means, a telephone number listed in the
telephone directory;

(c) customer care services, enabling any subscriber to obtain
assistance regarding matters such as access to services, setting up
calls and remedying faults; and

(d) such other services as may be determined by the Authority
from time to time by notice published in the Gazette.

Provision of

Select target paragraph3