No. 34


(e) the licensee has ceased, however briefly, to fulfil the
eligibility requirements under this Act; or
(f) the suspension or revocation is in the public interest.


(2) Before the suspension or revocation of a licence under this
section, the Authority shall inform the licensee by written notice, as
soon as practicable, of its intention to suspend or revoke the licence
and the reasons thereof.

(3) The affected licensee shall be given a reasonable opportunity
to make written submissions to the Authority within a period
specified in the notice, which period shall not be less than fourteen
days from the date of the notice.

(4) The affected licensee may, within the period specified in the
notice, make written submissions to the Authority and the Authority
shall consider such submissions before making a determination in
relation to the suspension or revocation of the licence.

(5) Subject to subsections (3) and (4) of this section, the suspension or revocation of a licence shall take effect on the expiry of
thirty days from the date on which the notice of the Authority's
determination under subsection (4) of this section is served on the

(6) when the suspension or revocation of a licence has taken
effect, the Authority shall, as soon as practicable, cause the
suspension or revocation to be published in at least one national
daily newspaper.

(7) A delay or failure to publish the notice of suspension or
revocation shall not in any manner affect the validity of the suspension or revocation.
44.__(1) An application for renewal of a licence shall be made at
least six months before the expiry of the licence.

(2) An application for the renewal of the licence under subsection
(1) shall be made in the prescribed manner upon payment of the
prescribed fees.

(3) In considering an application for a renewal of a licence, the
Authority shall have regard to whether__
(a) the licensee performed in accordance with the obligations
of his licence;
(b) the licensee continues to meet the eligibility requirements
under this Act;
(c) the licensee continues to be financially and technically

for renewal of
a licence

Select target paragraph3