No. 34



to believe that such other entity or any other entity would make
use of the information for the purpose of dealing in, or
counselling or causing anyone else to deal in, any contract or
proposed contract to which the information relates, and in which
the Authority is involved,
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of k5,000,000 and
imprisonment for five years.
(3) This section shall apply to any information that__

(a) a member of the Authority, employee, consultant, adviser or
sub-contractor of the Authority holds by virtue of his office or
dealings with the Authority;
(b) would not be expected, or would not be reasonable for it, to
be disclosed by a member of the Authority, employee, consultant,
adviser or sub-contractor of the Authority except in the proper
performance of the functions of his office; or
(c) the member of the Authority, employee, consultant, adviser
or sub-contractor of the Authority holding the information knows
or ought to know that it is unpublished information in relation to
any contract or proposed contract of the Authority.

(4) The provisions of this section shall continue to apply to any
member of the Authority, employee, consultant, adviser or
subcontractor of the Authority, notwithstanding the expiry or
termination of the term of office of the member or the employment
of the employee, consultant, adviser or subcontractor of the
Authority, as the case may be.

25. A member of the Authority, an employee, a consultant, an
adviser and a subcontractor of the Authority, shall sign an oath of
secrecy upon being appointed on the Board or being engaged by the
Authority, as the case may be.
26.__(1) The Authority may delegate some of its functions under
this Act to the director general, any member of the Authority, or
member of staff of the Authority.

(2) The director general of the Authority may, with the approval
of the Authority, delegate any power or function assigned to him
under this Act, to any member of staff of the Authority.
27.__(1) The Authority may establish consultative or advisory
fora in the communications sector to assist the Authority with the
discharge of its functions under this Act.

(2) The Authority may contribute out of its annual budget to the
expenses of any forum established under subsection (1).

Oath of

delegation of

Advisory fora

Select target paragraph3