of conflicts
of interest


No. 34

(4) The Authority shall pay the employees of the Authority such
remuneration, allowances, pension, gratuity and other benefits as
the Authority may, after having obtained professional advice,
consider as being competitive in the employment market in Malawi.
23.__(1) Any member of the Authority who is present at a
meeting of the Authority at which any matter in which he has
an interest or may have an interest is being considered, shall
disclose such interest as soon as is practicable after the commencement of the meeting and the member shall not take part in any
consideration or discussion of, or vote on, any question touching on
such matter.

(2) The director general shall disclose to the Chairperson of the
Authority any interest he has in any matter that is under consideration by the Authority, and shall not attend any meeting of the
Authority or of any committee of the Authority while any question
touching the matter is being discussed.


(3) Any employee of the Authority or any consultant, adviser or
sub-contractor of the Authority shall disclose to the director
general any interest that he has or that may arise in the course of
duties related to the operations of the Authority, and the director
general or the Authority, shall make decisions considered
appropriate in each case and submit a report thereon to the
24.__(1) A person shall not publish or disclose to any entity, other
than in the course of the entity's duties, the contents of any
document, communication or information which has come to the
person's knowledge in the course of his duties under this Act.

(2) Any member of the Authority, employee, consultant, adviser
or sub-contractor of the Authority who holds confidential
information, or any person who has, directly or indirectly, obtained
any such information from a member of the Authority, employee,
consultant, adviser or sub-contractor of the Authority, whom that
person knows or has reasonable cause to believe held the
information by virtue of his office, and who__
(a) deals in any contract or proposed contract to which the
information relates and in which the Authority is involved;
(b) counsels or instigates anyone else to deal in any such
contract or proposed contract, knowing or having reasonable
cause to believe that the other entity would deal in such contract
or proposed contract; or
(c) communicates to anyone else the information held or, as the
case may be, obtained by him if he knows or has reasonable cause

Select target paragraph3