Way Forward in 2023
Government should seriously consider the domestication of the UN Plan of Action
into Zimbabwe’s legislative frameworks to legislate for crimes against journalists. This will
go a long way in reducing and curbing crimes that continue to be committed with impunity
against journalists.
Political parties; the police and the broader security forces should ensure the safety
and security of journalists during campaign rallies and at all times.
Every journalist duly accredited with the ZMC should be allowed to freely cover the
elections without the burden of being accredited by ZEC and the additional requisite fees.
Journalists and media workers, in general, should familiarise themselves with the
profession’s safety and security guidelines to minimise the risks that come with their chosen
Media houses should swiftly address and correct unprofessional conduct by their
journalists where this is highlighted or brought to their attention.
Journalists should refrain from participating in political processes if they still want to
continue practicing journalism to retain the much-needed neutrality while conducting their
professional duties and covering electoral processes.
The media, especially the state-controlled media should take note of the observations
and findings of election observer missions to Zimbabwe’s 2018 elections and ensure equal
and equitable coverage of all political players in the 2023 elections
Effective co-regulation of the media should be underpinned by a strengthened and
inclusive professional regulatory mechanism in which there is joint enforcement of a Code
of Ethics and Conduct with the constitutional regulatory body.
Broadcasting laws and regulatory framework should be in line with the Constitution of
Zimbabwe, the African Charter on Broadcasting and the African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information
and African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, among other instruments that set
democratic principles and standards on regulation.
Multi-stakeholder approach involving all the key relevant players with the aim of
coming up with mechanisms that ensure affordable internet access and data prices for all,
including those in marginalised rural communities in line with the African Declaration on
Internet Rights and Freedoms which stresses that access to the internet is a fundamental

State of the Media Report    20

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