Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ). The broadcasting fund will also support and ensure the sustainability
of community radio stations.
In their submissions during the Writeshop in Gweru, MISA Zimbabwe, MAZ and the Zimbabwe
Association of Community Radio Stations (ZACRAS), however, argued that the current legislation
vests excessive powers in the Minister in the appointment, functions and operations of the
Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ).
These powers threaten the independence of BAZ, a threat that goes against democratic principles
of broadcasting regulation.
The amendment discussed at the Writeshop thus proposes changes in the appointment process
of the BAZ Board to include a public nomination and interviewing process by the Minister before
seeking approval from the President.
While the participation by members of the public in nominating and observing the interviewing
process is a welcome development, MISA Zimbabwe, ZACRAS and MAZ submitted that a
parliamentary process in establishing the Board could enhance its independence from the

As Zimbabwe gears for the 2023 elections, responsible authorities should prioritise the safety and
security of journalists by putting in place measures that ensure that media workers conduct their
work without hindrance.
Cases involving the harassment and assault of journalists tend to spike during election seasons
and at political party rallies and gatherings. These media freedom violations contribute to the
country’s poor rankings by media watchdog groups such as the Reporters Without Borders.
This is detrimental as it dents Zimbabwe’s ongoing re-engagement efforts with the international
community to attract foreign direct investment and spur socio-economic prosperity. It is MISA
Zimbabwe’s well-considered view that it is imperative for law enforcement agents, political parties
and other responsible authorities to ensure that the media operates freely as this will go a long way
in improving the country’s media freedom rankings.
The security and safety of journalists conducting their lawful professional duties is of paramount
importance as provided and protected under Section 61 of the Constitution on freedom of
expression and freedom of the media.
A free and secure operating media environment is a key ingredient to socio-economic development
and prosperity. It is also pivotal in the enjoyment and exercise of citizens’ right to access to
information for informed decisions and choices on matters affecting their daily lives and wellbeing,
and more so during election campaigns.
State of the Media Report    19

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