In the same vein, on 12th July, 2019 The News Diggers Newspaper Publication carried a headline, “MISA
reduces award categories from 40 to 6.”
It was reported that:
The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale says it has
reduced the number of awards categories from 40 to 6 to stiffen the competition. And MISA
Zambia says it will not take instructions from media houses and government officials to
influence the decision made adding that there will now be an independent governance
structure responsible for selection of winners.
In line with media development and the media’s role to effect change in society, on 20 th of August 2019,
the Times of Zambia Newspaper publication carried a headline “don’t abandon your agenda- setting role.”
The sentiments were attributed to Information and Broadcasting Minister, Hon. Dora Siliya who stated that:
“The mainstream media should not abandon its agenda-setting role by over-depending on social media
platforms as sources of news”
The newspaper reported that:
Ms Siliya says nowadays, her phone is abuzz with calls from journalists to comment on issues
on social media. “I am always receiving phone calls from journalists to comment on issues
they have seen on social media instead of issues that they themselves have investigated.
This is unfortunate as journalists are regarded as the most intelligent people who are supposed
to be conveyors of authentic information to the public,” Ms Siliya said fake news and
cybercrimes are a serious global problem affecting both developing and developed countries.
“The problem is also a serious threat to the survival of the traditional media such as the
newspapers, radio and television,” she said.
On the statutory-self regulation of the media, the Minister hailed journalists for the strides that they are
taking in ensuring that efforts towards regulating the profession are put in place.
The Minister states that: “One of the priorities for government has been to galvanise support from the
media on self- statutory regulations and now the media understands that this is the right way to go to save
the profession.”


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