In the third quarter of 2019, calls for his pardon has continued with stakeholders calling upon the
Republican President Mr. Edgar Lungu to pardon Mr. Sinjela.
Among the voices advocating for Mr. Sinjela’s release are his fellow journalists and advocacy groups who
have campaigned for his release. The third quarter witnessed a number of journalists visiting the journalist
in prison.

Mr. Derrick Sinjela is still incarcerated in a Zambian prison but is due for release in December,
6.2. Media Development
Media development involves capacity building for institutions or individuals related to freedom of
expression, pluralism and diversity of media, as well as transparency of media ownership. Media
development plays a role in democracy and effective democratic discourse through supporting free and
independent media.
As a way to promote media development, MISA Zambia has been involved in hosting Media awards for
journalists in Zambia. The awards meant to promote excellence amongst journalists are hosted every year.
On 11th July 2019, The Radio Phoenix Facebook Page carried a headline titled, “MISA launches 2019
media awards.”
It was reported that:
MISA Zambia chapter has announced the launch of its 2019 media awards from which it has
reduced the number of awards to six. Addressing the media in Lusaka, MISA treasurer Jetty
Lungu said the reduction in the number of awards was meant to improve competitiveness,
quality and value of the awards.
Radio Phoenix further reported that:
Mr Lungu further said MISA has also made changes to the calendar for the award ceremony
which has been moved from April to dates between 15th and 28th September every year.
He states that the changes that have come as a result of the first ever written media awards
policy which MISA produced as a guide on how awards will be conducted, will ensure that
journalistic entrants undertake quality work and input to avoid rushed in submissions merely
driven by monetary motives.


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