Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) has condemned the harassment and subsequent
arrest of Chingola’s Rise FM Radio Presenter Derrick Chilufya by police on August 12. This
was after more than 60 job seekers who were promised employment which was not given to
them by a company known as Mox Minerals Limited went to the radio station to express their
grievances. In a statement Issued by MISA Chairperson, Hellen Mwale, it was explained that
Police officers went to check on what was happening at the radio station where they started
beating the job seekers. In the process they spotted Chilufya answering a phone call as he was
coming out of the studio and suspected that he was taking a video of what was happening.
Further, MISA through the Chairperson Helen Mwale reiterated that:
We view this harassment of Chilufya by police officers who are expected to protect him but
with impunity turned around to harass him as an exhibition of clear unprofessionalism and
unprofessional conduct which must be checked,
MISA Zambia would like to remind the police that they are the law enforcers and as such they
should aim at protecting the people in Zambia and not harass them.
She added that:
Journalists deserved protection and space to carry out their work in an environment free of
intimidation, harassment or any form of harm. Police should work to create an environment
which promotes mutual cooperation rather than resort to confrontation and therefore abusing
freedom of expression and the media adding that It was the statutory obligation of the police
to ensure that Zambians and journalists enjoy their fundamental rights and freedoms.
Ms Mwale advised the Zambia Police Service to act in a professional manner and not contribute to
the erosion of the little faith Zambians still have in the service.
A couple of weeks before the assault on Rise FM, two Zambia Daily Mail reporters were attacked and
injured by cadres while covering the Katuba bye-elections. The Zambia Daily Mail on 30th July, 2019
carried a headline saying that “Gang beats up Mail reporters, smashes vehicle.”
The paper reported that:
Two Zambia Daily Mail reporters were on 29th July 2019, beaten up by gangsters armed with
machetes in Katuba Constituency, the attackers also smashed windows of the Nissan Hard


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