Judge Limbani stated that:
“It is sad that they attacked a 31year old reporter whom you threatened with fists as he was
heading home around 23:00. You robbed him of his laptop, laptop bag, and an infinix cell
phone. Perpetrators of robbery need stiff punishment to safe guard the lives of innocent people
and their property.
Banda and Chungu were initially charged with aggravated robbery. However, their charge was reduced to
the charge of robbery because of the fact that the duo were pupils who were first offenders and because
they showed remorse for their actions and appealed to the court to exercise maximum leniency.
In an unusual happening, on 13th August, 2019, The Rise FM Radio Station carried a headline, “Zambia
Police Storms Rise FM, arrests Radio Presenter”.
The radio station reported that:
More than 62 job seekers in Chingola who were promised employment by Mox Minerals
limited were arrested and charged with conduct likely to cause the breach of peace. The
incident happened yesterday at around 11:00 when they went to RISE FM to have their
grievances aired. Few minutes later Zambia Police arrived in four police vehicles at 11:05hrs
and immediately started brutalising job seekers at the radio station. In the process RISE FM
radio presenter Derrick Chilufya was harassed and arrested for answering a phone call. He
was spotted by one of the police officers who thought he was taking a video as evidence for
their brutality in the radio station premises.
It was also reported that, Derrick Chilufya was taken to Chingola Central Police and charged with
misconduct. According to the Radio Station, efforts to have Mr. Chilufya released on the same day proved
futile as Chingola Police command refused even when there was no evidence of him taking a video.
He was released after spending 24hrs in police custody and admission of guilty paid.
The story of the arrest of the Rise FM journalist was extensively covered. Debate on the harassment of
scribes by Police dominated much of the debate on the safety and security of journalists in the third quarter
under review.
In the same vein, on 16th August 2019, The Sun NewsUbuntu online Publication carried a headline, “MISA
condemns Police harassment of Chingola scribe”. The paper reported that:


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