Cybersecurity and Cybercrime
Laws in the SADC Region


The research design guiding this evaluation was framed within a participatory qualitative research
methodology. The qualitative methodology will be applied in order to feed the quantitative methodology.
Qualitative research integrates the methods and techniques of observing, documenting, analysing,
and interpreting characteristics, patterns, attributes, and meanings of human phenomena under
study (Gillis & Jackson, 2002; Leininger, 1985). Lincoln (1992) argues that qualitative methods are
naturalistic, participatory modes of inquiry that disclose the lived experiences of individuals.
Consequently, “there is no single, objective reality, there are multiple realities based on subjective
experience and circumstance” (Wuest, 1995: 30).

Data Collection Instruments
Document analysis
Document analysis is a form of qualitative research that was be employed in this study. Through this
method, the researcher was able to analyse legislation and policy documents, including international
regional, sub-regional and national legislation model laws and legislation on cybersecurity and cyber
crime. This information was analysed in order to make sense of the policy and legal implications


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