Telecommunications in Congo (ARPTC) a tax. It has been established that there
are some among the operators that are nearly 100 months in arrears.
Furthermore, the Regulatory Authority for Posts and Telecommunications in
Congo, which is directly linked to the Presidency of the Republic, collects all bills
incurred by telephone activity at the expense of the OCPT, which consequently
sustained losses.
Incoming calls made to the DRC are in fact not charged to the account of the
OCPT, as calls made from outside the country feature like a local number on
mobile phone displays of correspondents in the DRC. In other words, the call does
not go through the +243 code and cannot be charged as an international call.
The ICT sector hence, is in shambles, due to ulterior objectives, which impedes
its development.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:


2.10 Government does not use its power over the
placement of advertisements as a means to interfere
with editorial content.
Government advertising contracts are rare. In cases in which they are awarded,
this takes place without the client’s participation, procedures being conducted on
an ad hoc basis.
The media entities that benefit, are not always the ones that apply for advertising
but the ones that benefit from political support and are preselected in advance
and quite often according to their affinities towards the regime in place.


AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo

Select target paragraph3