The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.
2.1 A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is accessible
and affordable to citizens.
There is indeed, a broad range of information and news sources available in the
Democratic Republic of Congo but they are not financially accessible. There are
a total of 68 television channels, more than 216 radios of all sorts and about 65
newspapers are published more or less regularly from almost 200 titles declared,
drawing 1500 copies on average.
Newspapers sold at 1000 Congolese7 Francs, however, are expensive in relation
to the average Congolese salary. In other words, in order to buy their newspaper,
readers must spend almost the equivalent of what the average Congolese has to
live off per day.
The economic crisis of 1990 brought about a drop in the purchasing power of core
newspaper readers (officials, teachers) and introduced new practices for reading
and distribution, such as photocopying newspapers which sold at a reduced cost.
High Internet costs are still a deterrent but also computers and the power to run
these, are out of reach for most citizens. It is important to note that Internet can
only be found in urban areas.
With regards to mobile phones, four (4) main operators offer services8. Some
among them have already started to market mobile Internet access, introducing a
new range of services geared towards a certain elite.



US$1 = 924CDF
Vodacom, Airtel, Tigo (RDC), CCT (Congo Chine Telecom)

AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo

Select target paragraph3