The last salaries paid out by the RTNC amounted to 50 000 FC11; at present, it
rates at 235,000 Congolese Francs, which amounts to about US$250.
This revision of the RTNC’s salary scale has given salaries in the media sector a

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:


4.9 Media professionals have access to training facilitates offering formal qualification programmes as well
as opportunities to upgrade skills.
The DRC boosts a number of tertiary training structures such as the Institute
of Information and Communication Sciences (IFASIC), but also practical training
such as the Congolese Audiovisual Institute (ICA) run by the RTNC and retraining
programmes offered by the ACP.
The Congolese Audiovisual Institute (ICA) offers a curriculum at exorbitant rates,
beyond the budget of the vast majority of the population (US$235 per module).
The Higher Education Centre for Journalists and Computer Scientists (CEFOJI)
organises training courses for professionals and the general public.
These training structures are based in the capital, which could create disadvantages
for Congolese from the country’s interior regions, where information on existing
training courses for professionals and the general public are non-existent.

11 approximately US$54


AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo

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