An unethical approach was taken by the SABC in 2015 with regard to blacklisting
certain media commentators. An example of this is Eusebius McKaiser, who had
his invitation to appear on an SABC talk show revoked after he wrote a column
in Independent Media’s Star newspaper that was critical of ANC leaders.
Pay-for-view satellite broadcast distributor MultiChoice was criticised for having
signed a highly controversial channel-supply deal in 2013 with the SABC, then
under Hlaudi] Motsoeneng’s leadership, to pay the SABC 553 million ZAR
(38,000,000 USD) over five years. This deal, flagged by a parliamentary inquiry,
was to give the company the right to air two of the SABC’s channels, SABC
Encore and the SABC 24 news channel, both of which were funded from public
funds and intended for public distribution. Placing the channels exclusively on
MultiChoice’s DStv platform meant that only its paid subscribers could access
the channels.
Hlaudi Motsoeneng allegedly pocketed more than 11 million ZAR (760,000
USD) out of a more than 30 million ZAR (2,000,000 USD) kickback package
in the deal, which placed SABC’s archival footage in the hands of MultiChoice
through the Encore channel. Leaked minutes in 2017 showed that MultiChoice
executives told the SABC that the deal was contingent on the SABC agreeing to
a clause that it would not carry its free-to-air channels on any encrypted digital
set-top boxes. MultiChoice had been fighting with free-to-air channel about
encryption, which wanted in digital set-top boxes.
In 2018, SABC and MultiChoice signed a new deal with the SABC, which
insiders alleged was worth up to 900 million ZAR (62,000,000 USD), to keep the
two channels on the DStv platform, but the SABC’s archive was to remain the
property of the public broadcaster.
‘While Hlaudi [Motsoeneng] was ultimately corrupt, the corruption continues…’
a panellist claimed.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:









3.1 (2013: 3.3; 2010: 3.9; 2008: n/a; 2006: n/a)


Select target paragraph3