PART IV GENERAL PROVISONS Violations and penalties 28. A licensee who contravenes any provision of these Regulations where no penalty is expressly provided shall be liable to pay a fine not exceeding Tanzanian shillings five million only. Change of Station name 29.(1) A licensee may change station identification upon payment of fees and having obtained the Authority’s prior written consent that shall not be unreasonable withheld. (2) Subject to sub-regulation (1) of regulation 31 the licensee shall give twenty one days public notice prior to effecting the change of name. Station identification 30. The Licensee must clearly identify itself by its station identification regularly every hour during the daily period when it provides content to the public. Revocation of GN. No. 449 of 2000 31. The Broadcasting Services Regulations 2000 are hereby revoked. Dar es Salaam 27th September, 2005 FREDRICK T. SUMAYE Prime Minister 12