(4) A licensee shall maintain copies of all off-air transmission
recordings for ninety days.
Code on

23. A licensee holding a Community Broadcasting Licence shall
comply with the Code on Community Broadcasting issued by the Authority.

Subtitling for
the deaf

24. A licensee shall ensure that it’s content output is subtitled for the
deaf and hard of hearing.
25. (1) A licensee shall provide high quality programmes for children(a) not less than thirty minutes of its daily programme on weekdays;
(b) not less than one hour of its daily programme on weekends and
public holidays.
(2) A licensee shall not provide content unsuitable for children at
times when large numbers of children may be expected to be part of the
(3) A licensee shall exercise particular caution in, and as far as
possible avoid, the depiction of violence in content directed at children.
(4) Offensive language, including profanity, blasphemy and other
religiously insensitive material, shall not be used in content
specially designed for children.



26.(1) Content which depicts or contains scenes of violence, sexually
explicit conduct or offensive language intended for adult audiences shall not
be transmitted between 0530 hrs to 2100 hrs.
(2) No excessive and gross offensive language should be used in
content transmitted 0530am to 21hrs or at times when substantial numbers of
children are likely to be part of the audience.

Local content

27.(1) A minimum of sixty percent of all content provided by the
licensee, measured as a weekly average over the period of a year,
must be content produced by(a)
a natural person who is a citizen of, and permanently resident
in, the United Republic;
a legal person, the majority of whose directors or shareholders
are citizens and permanently residing in the United Republic;
the Licensee.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub regulation 28(1) above, the
licensee shall ensure that ten (10) per cent of local content aired by the
licensee shall be produced and supplied to the licensee by independent local


Select target paragraph3