State of the media report July - Dec 2022

Questionnaire for Lawyer whose work has been interfered by police while performing their duties.
Dear respondent, MISA Zambia is collecting and compiling data for the State of the Media Report
production for July to December 2022 with a focus on The Clash between Political & State Interests.
The State of the Media Report is a Bi-annual assessment of the media environment in Zambia. It is an
assessment and record of the media trends in Zambia during a given period.
In this regard, your assistance and input by responding to the questions below will be of utmost help
in compiling the report for the period July to December 2022.
Ensure you give as much information, as clearly as possible. The information collected is solely for the
purpose of the State of the Media Report.

With your permission, I would like to ask you a series of questions that will take approximately 20 minutes .

Thank you very much for your time.
Obtain their reliable Contacts for clarification Cell Phone: --------------------------------------------------------------------

Questionnaire for Zambia Police on clash with journalists at protests and journalists have ended up
being either detained or arrested


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