State of the media report July - Dec 2022



Compared to 2021, reports recorded show that the year 2022 saw an increase in media freedom
and freedom of expression violations. While there were several notable positive developments that
helped media and citizens to enjoy relative free operating environment and freedom of expression
among citizens, research by MISA Zambia (2022), indicates that experts ranked media freedom
and freedom of expression, MODERATE in 2022. This is due to the existence of archaic laws and
activities that continue to undermine media freedom and freedom of expression.
Access to information
There is need to enact the ATI bill and also to make a constitutional provision that expressly provides
for the right to information from public bodies.
Continue advocating for the amendment of ZNBC and IBA Acts.
Independent Broadcasting Authority - IBA ACT
The primary purpose of the Act is to establish a regulatory framework for the broadcasting sector in
Zambia. The Act applies to radio and television broadcasting over terrestrial and satellite platforms.
However, the lack of autonomy of the IBA lies in the appointment process for the board which is
heavily vested in the minister for information. This must be changed in the law to include broader
participation in the appointment of the board.
Further, its accountability must be vested with the national assembly and not the Ministry
of Information and Media. This should include allocation of funding which should be done by
Parliament to remove the connotation that he who pays the piper calls the tune. Parliament consists
broader list of people and hence better placed to allocate funds to and hold the IBA accountable.
Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation - ZNBC ACT
This Act establishes ZNBC. Some progressive provisions exist on role of ZNBC under article 7.
However, the level of independence is compromised by funding model. Ministry of Information
decides the funding to ZNBC while TV Levy is now being administered by IBA. Another aspect that
compromises ZNBC autonomy is the board appointment process. The appointing of board members
for ZNBC needs to be broadened to remove the strong hold of the Ministry of Information in putting
in place a ZNBC Board. This has been abused in the past and cadres have been appointed to these
boards leading to compromised ZNBC autonomy and its failure to be converted to a true public
service broadcaster that serves all the spectra of the Zambian population and not just the party and
its government. ZNBC must be accountable to the public through being regulated by IBA and there
should be punitive measures against it if it fails to play its legal function. ZNBC can only be advised
by IBA and there are no consequences for non-compliance towards its legal mandate
Public Sensitisation on the role of the media
There is need to sensitise the public on the role of the media. The public; including the politicians
and Zambia Police Service need to know that media plays an important role of independent watch
dog and brings forth the grievances of the people to the policy makers. It generates the awareness
about the governance and it plays a proactive role in exposing scams. Therefore, the media should
carry out its duty independently without interference from external forces if the country is to develop
and its democracy is to continue to be strengthened.
Issued by Rev Fr Dr Barnabas Simatende, OMI, PhD.
Chairperson – MISA Zambia
1st January 2023


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