1.9 The state does not seek to block or filter internet
content unless in accordance with laws that provide
for restrictions that serve a legitimate interest and are
necessary in a democratic society, and which are applied by independent courts.
The State does not seek to filter or block internet content, although courts have
been known to take action after the fact if such content amounts to hate speech,
defamation, etc. The Department of Home Affairs is still working on a bill with
the supposed aim of banning child pornography on the internet, but this has
been criticised for being too broad and thus limiting internet freedom in general.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

5.0 (2010: n/a; 2008: n/a; 2006: n/a)

1.10 Civil society in general and media lobby groups
actively advance the cause of media freedom.
There are numerous civil society and media lobby groups in South Africa, which
have been doing good work in the area of promoting media freedom.
The Right2Know campaign has been especially active in challenging what it
terms the unconstitutional aspects of the Protection to State Information Bill (the
infamously dubbed ‘Secrecy Bill’). It has campaigned vigorously for amendments
to be made to it, some of which were enacted, but more needs to be done
in this regard as the bill in its current form still threatens journalists’ right to
freedom of expression. At the time of the AMB, the bill was waiting for the
decision of President Zuma either to sign it into law, or to return it to parliament
for reconsideration and further amendments.24
24 Just before the publication of this report (12.09.2013) President Zuma made the decision to send the Protection of
State Information Bill back to Parliament for amendments. The results of this decision are yet to be seen.



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