2. What kinds of activities are needed over the
next 3-4 years?

Protection of journalists: Campaign for the safety of journalists by
feeding into international resolutions taken to increase the safety of
journalists and end impunity in crimes against journalists; sensitisation
campaign of government and law enforcement officials.


Media law reform: Continue campaigning for the draconian and
media-unfriendly laws to be reformed. Invite Pansy Tlakula, the
African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) Special
Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in
Africa, or David Kaye, United Nation Special Rapporeur on Freedom of
Expression, to do a mission to Tanzania to pressure the government to
reform the legislation.


Protect internet rights and freedoms: build bridges to, rather than
demonise, the technocrats; generate an international outcry about the
Tanzanian situation by talking to internet freedom activists in donor
countries, so the activists can put pressure on their governments,
which can put pressure on the Tanzanian government.

The panel discussion took place from the 5th to the 7th of June 2015, at Travellers
Lodge in Bagamoyo, Tanzania



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