The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment the last 3-4 years since the last
AMB panel discussion?
1. The uptake of social media by journalists and civil society activists has
provided them with a new platform for free expression.
2. Digital broadcasting will boost accessibility; increase viewers’ choices
and open up the bandwidth.
3. Exposé by the media of the Tegeta/escrow multi-million-dollar
corruption scandal, which resulted in the ousting of senior government
officials. “It’s a wake-up call that we in the media can effect change!”
4. The registration of new print publications.
5. SIMO TV, an online television app.
6. Heightened interest from citizens in the constitutional review process,
which could be used to leverage more public involvement in legislative
changes in future.
1. Excessive use of open force towards the media by security officials in
the last three years; the increase in state hostility towards journalists.
2. Lack of meaningful consultation on new media-related legislation,
which appears intent to clamp down on media freedom and freedom
of expression.
3. Temporary suspension of Mwananchi and Mtanzania newspapers for
allegedly publishing seditious articles.
4. The continuing existence of draconian, media-unfriendly legislation.
5. Digital set-top boxes are not subsidised by the state, making citizens’
access to digital television more costly than before.
6. Reduction in funding from state to public broadcasters.
7. Increasing political interference from the state in the public
broadcaster’s editorial content.
8. The delay in the constitutional review process, which became
dominated by politics.



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