presidential elections.
Mukwazhi told MISA that the
vehicle and assault matter
was being handled by Harare
lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa, but
that he feared for his family’s
Globecast Satellite

The South African company
was being charged for illegal
importation of broadcasting
equipment in violation of the
Broadcasting Services Act
(BSA). The ruling in the
application for discharge at
the close of the state case
was deferred to August 18
2008, after the State
prosecutor, Florence Ziyambi
failed to turn up.

13 August 2008

Rutendo Mawere, Gwerubased correspondent with the
privately owned weekly, The

Mawere was arrested by a
plainclothes policewoman
identified as Million on
allegations of taking pictures
of a crowd that included
soldiers and policemen
queuing for basic
commodities. She was taken
to Gweru Central Police
Station where she was
questioned on why she had
taken pictures. Mawere was
released without being
charged after being
questioned for about an hour.

25 August 2008

Davison Maruziva, editor of
The Standard, The Standard
newspaper and Professor
Mutambara, faction leader of
the Movement for Democratic

They are jointly charged for
28 August 2008
communicating falsehoods,
prejudicial to the State and
contempt of court. The
charges arise from the
publication of an opinion piece
written by professor
Mutambara. Harare
Magistrate Morgan Nemadire


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