South African media workers
Bernet Hassen Sono,
Resemete Boy Chauke and
Simon Musimane.

Wycliff Nyarota and James
Muonwa, journalists from

Globecast Satellite , a South
African company

Globecast Satellite

Wycliffe Nyarota, James
Muonwa, Kwekwe journalists

The three were convicted on
their own plea and sentenced
to 6 months imprisonment
after being found in
possession of broadcasting
equipment belonging to Sky
News without a license in
contravention of Section 33 of
the Posts and
Telecommunications Act. The
three were subsequently fined
and released after High Court
judge Justice Maphios Cheda
reviewed the sentence and
commuted it to a fine. They
were each fined Z$50billion
and immediately deported
after paying the fines
Accused of publishing
falsehoods in breach of
Section 80 (1) Access to
Information and Protection of
Privacy Act (AIPPA) by
publishing a story in the
Network guardian that George
Muvhimi and Tatenda
Munhanga were caught with
their pants down while having
sexual intercourse in a vehicle
at Mbizo shopping centre in
Kwekwe. Judgment has been
set for 29 July 2008
Globecast Satellite was being
charged of illegally importing
broadcasting equipment into
Zimbabwe. Trial is expected
to continue on 22 July 2008
when more witnesses are
expected to testify.
The trial continued with state
leading evidence from an
engineer with the
Broadcasting Authority of
Zimbabwe (BAZ).
Accused of publishing
falsehoods in breach of the
repressive Access to
Information and Protection of
Privacy Act(AIPPA) Kwekwe

11 July 2008

15 July 2008

17 July 2008

22 July 2008

29 July 2008


Select target paragraph3