Media lawyer, Harrison

Freelance journalists Frank
Chikowore and Edgar

trial magistrate.
Accused of insulting the
President of Zimbabwe in
contravention of Section 33
and 41 of the Criminal law
(Codification and Reform) Act.
Magistrate Doris Shomwe
referred the matter to the
Supreme court which will sit
as a constitutional court to
determine the constitutionality
of the Criminal Law
(Codification and Reform) Act
after his lawyer Beatrice
Mtetwa argued that Sections
33 and 41 contravene Section
20 (1) of the Constitution
which protects freedom of

Arrested while covering
election proceedings at Mhofu
Primary School in Harare
suburb of Highfield at the
opening of presidential
election run-off on 27 June
2008. Released on the same
day after being fined for
criminal nuisance under the
Criminal Law (Codification
and Reform) Act.
Freelance photographers
Arrested in Harare while
Richard Judson, Regis
covering the 27 June 2008
Marisamhuka and Agrisson
presidential election run-off.
Released without charges
after spending a night in
police custody.
E-tv reporter Tumaole
Arrested in the southern
Mohlaole and cameraperson border town of Beitbridge
Elelewani Rampfumedzi.
while covering a protest
march against the
Zimbabwean elections which
had been boycotted by
Morgan Tsvangirai, the leader
of the opposition MDC.
Released without charges
after spending a night in
police custody.
Kholwani Nyathi, BulawayoNyathi was ordered to report
based correspondent with The to police in Plumtree for

25 June 2008

27 June 2008

27 June 2008

27 June 2008

7 July 2008


Select target paragraph3